I work with organizers Open to a Guided Path, Overcome Perfectionism, and Operate at a Higher Level they never dreamed possible.

Holly Southerland

I work with organizers Open to a Guided Path, Overcome Perfectionism, and Operate at a Higher Level they never dreamed possible.

Holly Southerland

"I got out of my own way by putting trust into Holly. I told her when I was struggling, listened to her advice, implemented exactly what she said to do, and followed through with it. I didn't overthink it, I just did what needed to be done."

— Linda L., Bucks County Home Organizers

"I got out of my own way by putting trust into Holly. I told her when I was struggling, listened to her advice, implemented exactly what she said to do, and followed through with it. I didn't overthink it, I just did what needed to be done."

— Linda L., Bucks County Home Organizers

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How to Get High Paying Organizing Clients
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Reach 10K months working only 2 Days a Week as an Organizer with the Rockstar Method

It's 1 - 2 - 3 as you work with me.

Open to a Guided Path with Community Support

Overcome Perfectionism & Never Feeling Good Enough

Operate at a Higher Level Than You Ever Dreamed Possible



Melanie found new organizer friends and learned to sell packages with confidence, quickly hitting her first 10K month! 💃🏻

"Before working with Holly, I was barely bringing in $2000-$4000 a month in sales. I knew there had to be a better way. I had always been intrigued with organizers who were selling packages. The concept didn't make sense at first and I was a little afraid to try it.

Being part of the Rockstar community and with the help of Holly's teaching, MY BUSINESS HAS BEEN TOTALLY TRANSFORMED.

I learned how to attract my ideal client and to sell packages with confidence. The first month that I sold packages, I doubled my income from the month before. The next month, when I joined the Rockstar community, I hit my first $10K+ month.

I am so thankful for all the other organizers in the group. It is such an encouraging community with a wealth of knowledge to glean from. Excited to see what lies ahead for all of us in the future!"

Melanie S., Professional Organizer in Nashville, TN
Nashville Home Organizers

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Melanie found new organizer friends and learned to sell packages with confidence, quickly hitting her first 10K month! 💃🏻

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"Before working with Holly, I was barely bringing in $2000-$4000 a month in sales. I knew there had to be a better way. I had always been intrigued with organizers who were selling packages. The concept didn't make sense at first and I was a little afraid to try it.

Being part of the Rockstar community and with the help of Holly's teaching, MY BUSINESS HAS BEEN TOTALLY TRANSFORMED.

I learned how to attract my ideal client and to sell packages with confidence. The first month that I sold packages, I doubled my income from the month before. The next month, when I joined the Rockstar community, I hit my first $10K+ month.

I am so thankful for all the other organizers in the group. It is such an encouraging community with a wealth of knowledge to glean from. Excited to see what lies ahead for all of us in the future!"

Melanie S., Professional Organizer in Nashville, TN
Nashville Home Organizers

Lindsay went from "figure it out as I go" to "thinking like a businesswoman." She doubled her profit in 6 weeks...and bought her daughter a horse! 😍

"My business was at a point where I was booked but not always with the clients and projects I loved. I’ve never been a businesswoman before and so all the back-end stuff has been new to me. It had been a figure it out as I go situation.

When Holly presented the challenge, I really began thinking like a businesswoman. That was the first time I realized I had to learn to sell. It NEVER occurred to me before then that I also had to have sales skills.

Holly’s Challenge spurred me to make specific changes right away that showed results within 2 weeks. I was immediately bought into her years of experience, methods, and precise action steps. The results speak for themselves. Six weeks prior to the challenge, my gross profit was $6,100. Six weeks later, my gross profit is $13,500. 

The group of supportive women in the community for both groups has been so helpful also! I found so much personal connection with others in a space that can feel lonely. 

I have grown personally, professionally, financially, and my business has grown to include more help with 2 new assistants. Thank you, Holly! You’ve been the missing piece that brought function to my business."

Lindsay H. Professional Organizer in San Antonio, TX
Leave It To Me Organizing

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Lindsay went from "figure it out as I go" to "thinking like a businesswoman." She doubled her profit in 6 weeks...and bought her daughter a horse! 😍

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"My business was at a point where I was booked but not always with the clients and projects I loved. I’ve never been a businesswoman before and so all the back-end stuff has been new to me. It had been a figure it out as I go situation.

When Holly presented the challenge, I really began thinking like a businesswoman. That was the first time I realized I had to learn to sell. It NEVER occurred to me before then that I also had to have sales skills.

Holly’s Challenge spurred me to make specific changes right away that showed results within 2 weeks. I was immediately bought into her years of experience, methods, and precise action steps. The results speak for themselves. Six weeks prior to the challenge, my gross profit was $6,100. Six weeks later, my gross profit is $13,500. 

The group of supportive women in the community for both groups has been so helpful also! I found so much personal connection with others in a space that can feel lonely. 

I have grown personally, professionally, financially, and my business has grown to include more help with 2 new assistants. Thank you, Holly! You’ve been the missing piece that brought function to my business."

Lindsay H. Professional Organizer in San Antonio, TX
Leave It To Me Organizing

Angela not only found a place to bounce ideas & not feel lonely - she saved time and money by not having to figure it out alone 🚀

"Working with Holly has been one of the best decisions I've made for my business. I've been impressed by how much she freely shares about her business and all the knowledge and wisdom she's gained.

I've undoubtedly saved myself money and, more importantly, months if not years of struggling to figure things out on my own.

I'm also grateful for the opportunity to meet and share with other organizers. Being an entrepreneur can feel lonely sometimes, so having like-minded people to bounce ideas off of has been incredibly helpful and uplifting."

Angela B., Professional Organizer in Gainesville, FL
Simplify Home Organizing

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Angela not only found a place to bounce ideas & not feel lonely - she saved time and money by not having to figure it out alone 🚀

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"Working with Holly has been one of the best decisions I've made for my business. I've been impressed by how much she freely shares about her business and all the knowledge and wisdom she's gained.

I've undoubtedly saved myself money and, more importantly, months if not years of struggling to figure things out on my own.

I'm also grateful for the opportunity to meet and share with other organizers. Being an entrepreneur can feel lonely sometimes, so having like-minded people to bounce ideas off of has been incredibly helpful and uplifting."

Angela B., Professional Organizer in Gainesville, FL
Simplify Home Organizing

"Being part of the Rockstar community and with the help of Holly's teaching, my business has been totally transformed. I learned how to attract my ideal client and to sell packages with confidence." - Melanie S.

"I got out of my own way by putting trust into Holly and this program. I told her when I was struggling, listened to her advice, implemented exactly what she said to do, and followed through with it. I didn't overthink it, I just did what needed to be done." - Linda L.

"You give us a clear plan and take us by the hand and walk us through the process. You set us up to succeed. We are buying wisdom and investing in not only our businesses but in ourselves. Through this challenge I will hit my $15K goal this month. Holy cow - less than 2 years ago I was happy with $1500 a month." - Lynda G.

"Thanks for the inspiration to sell my talents for what they are worth! Thank you, thank you!!" - Happy Rockstar

"HOLLY!!!! You are a blessing. I have been bombarded by inquiries and it feels like the floodgates have been opened. So many "do it for me" inquiries and whole homes. I don't think you understand how much I struggled for a WHOLE year, last year, trying to convert people over the phone & getting them to fill out my form and send me pictures felt like pulling teeth. Now I've got people lining up to work with me. You are a blessing. Thank you for doing this. Tears of joy!" - Elva F.

"When I first started a few years ago, my goal was to make enough money per month (after biz expenses, investing in the biz, taxes, etc) to cover my kids' private school tuition. I thought that was unreachable. This month might be first time I bring home that amount and it is thrilling. Thank you for all your help!" - Melanie

"Thank you, Holly, for sharing so much about your process, and for giving me the swift kick in the behind that I needed in order to make the leap to offer bigger packages for more money!" - Angela

"I've been working with Holly Southerland for the past three months, she's really helped me lay some ground work for my business. I've quadrupled my income from the first of the year to now. I've been organizing for three years and the past 3 months have been my most profitable by far!" - Jenn A.

"Implementing the package pricing you recommended was one of the best business decisions I've ever made!" - Angela

"I’ve always been a pay by the hour, collecting money at the end of the day, NO MORE!!! Rewrote my contract, more changes to come... The lady I met with heard about me on FB, she said 3 people recommended me. As I shared my packages, she chose my middle one and paid half the amount without blinking an eye, WHAT??? People really do this??? So needless to say this is a BIG deal for me and I’m a little excited!!! Thanks so much for challenging me and giving me the tools and accountability I need! I love watching this journey we are all taking together." - Jenn 

"I immediately followed Holly's method- I spent two days editing my site, got off Thumbtack, and paid for a Google ad. I'm not doing it perfectly, but I'm doing it much better. Next month is completely booked. I booked 2 of my biggest packages already for next month and 2 for the month after. Working on hiring now. Starting to train a new gal this coming week! I'm over the moon excited about these changes, and so grateful Holly speaks truth to us. Ex: GET OUTTA YOUR OWN WAY FOR THE LOVE...!!" - Lindsay

"You give us a clear plan and take us by the hand and walk us through the process. You set us up to succeed. We are buying wisdom and investing in not only our businesses but in ourselves. Through this challenge I will hit my $15K goal this month. Holy cow - less than 2 years ago I was happy with $1500 a month." - Lynda G.

"Thanks for the inspiration to sell my talents for what they are worth! Thank you, thank you!!" - Happy Rockstar

"Being part of the Rockstar community and with the help of Holly's teaching, my business has been totally transformed. I learned how to attract my ideal client and to sell packages with confidence." - Melanie S.

"I got out of my own way by putting trust into Holly and this program. I told her when I was struggling, listened to her advice, implemented exactly what she said to do, and followed through with it. I didn't overthink it, I just did what needed to be done." - Linda L.

"Implementing the package pricing you recommended was one of the best business decisions I've ever made!" - Angela

"HOLLY!!!! You are a blessing. I have been bombarded by inquiries and it feels like the floodgates have been opened. So many "do it for me" inquiries and whole homes. I don't think you understand how much I struggled for a WHOLE year, last year, trying to convert people over the phone & getting them to fill out my form and send me pictures felt like pulling teeth. Now I've got people lining up to work with me. You are a blessing. Thank you for doing this. Tears of joy!" - Elva F.

"When I first started a few years ago, my goal was to make enough money per month (after biz expenses, investing in the biz, taxes, etc) to cover my kids' private school tuition. I thought that was unreachable. This month might be first time I bring home that amount and it is thrilling. Thank you for all your help!" - Melanie

"Thank you, Holly, for sharing so much about your process, and for giving me the swift kick in the behind that I needed in order to make the leap to offer bigger packages for more money!" - Angela

"I've been working with Holly Southerland for the past three months, she's really helped me lay some ground work for my business. I've quadrupled my income from the first of the year to now. I've been organizing for three years and the past 3 months have been my most profitable by far!" - Jenn A.

"I’ve always been a pay by the hour, collecting money at the end of the day, NO MORE!!! Rewrote my contract, more changes to come... The lady I met with heard about me on FB, she said 3 people recommended me. As I shared my packages, she chose my middle one and paid half the amount without blinking an eye, WHAT??? People really do this??? So needless to say this is a BIG deal for me and I’m a little excited!!! Thanks so much for challenging me and giving me the tools and accountability I need! I love watching this journey we are all taking together." - Jenn 

"I immediately followed Holly's method- I spent two days editing my site, got off Thumbtack, and paid for a Google ad. I'm not doing it perfectly, but I'm doing it much better. Next month is completely booked. I booked 2 of my biggest packages already for next month and 2 for the month after. Working on hiring now. Starting to train a new gal this coming week! I'm over the moon excited about these changes, and so grateful Holly speaks truth to us. Ex: GET OUTTA YOUR OWN WAY FOR THE LOVE...!!" - Lindsay